Specialty livestock ingredients made accessible.

Imogene Ingredients works to access specialty feed ingredients at competitive costs from sources around the world.

New regulations and technologies are changing the feed industry. Ingredients that would not have been used 10 years ago are considered mainstream today. Coating technologies have increased the efficiency of ingredients and further research of enzymes, amino acids and naturally occurring antibiotic alternatives continue to change our perception of what is economical in today’s ration formulations.

With over 40 years’ experience in sourcing of specialty feed ingredients, we stand ready to assist you in this rapidly changing environment.

Don’t just take it from us.

Here’s what our customers have to say.

Gene Dubas | Fullerton, Nebraska

“For the past 3 years, we have had customers see major decreases in calf scours by adding Farmatan to our pre-calving mineral and starter rations. Farmatan has been a game changer." 

— Rocky Tibbs, Tibbs Feed Service

"We treated 110 calves and lost 25 in 2017 to crypto and cocci scours. Since we went on the cow/calf program, we haven't lost a calf to scours for the last 3 years. I got all of my neighbors on it!"

— Delbert Fast, Onida

“We think Farmatan is an awesome product! It solved our Cocci problem and our kids were practically market ready at weaning.”

— Karlia Dahl, Savanna Goats


Check out our interview with Tigger on Working Ranch Radio! Listen Here. *skip to 14:58 minutes

Questions? Contact us anytime.